Author: rcragun
3D Printing Flexible PLA or TPU on Bambu A1 Mini
I had an idea for a print that required flexible filament. The go-to flexible filament is TPU, but I was going to use the print with food, so I looked around for something that I thought would be safer with food and found Flashforge’s flexible PLA. I was excited to try out this print. Once…
National Youth Leadership Forum-Engineering & Rice Elite Tech Camp
I posted previously about National Youth Leadership Forum (NYLF) and its extremely expensive summer camps. In that post, I detailed what the camps included and that, from my perspective as a college professor, the camps did not seem worth the money involved. Of course, I cannot call these camps “scams” because you are getting something…
Converting EPUB to Mp3 on Linux
I read a lot. It’s part of my job. But I also have times when I have to be physically up and about and could listen to an audiobook (e.g., mowing the lawn). I typically listen to podcasts at those times, but I do have some e-books I’d like to listen to that don’t have…
R – Combining Data from Two Variables
(NOTE: This was done in R 4.3.1 using RStudio 2023.03.0.) Here’s the scenario: I have a variable (V1) from Country A with roughly ~1,000 responses that measures religious affiliation with the following options: To be clear, there are no responses to V1 from the participants in the other country (Country B), only from individuals from…
ChatGPT – checking for personally identifying information
I recently hired a panel survey company to conduct surveys in several countries around the world. With some of the questions, we gave participants the option to select “other” and then fill in the blank. Given the ethics approval that we have for the data, we are not allowed to retain any data that could…
NoMachine Freezing on Xubuntu 22.04
I have a headless fileserver that runs XFCE (Xubuntu). I recently reformatted the operating system (transferring my files in a ZFS raid to the new operating system rather seamlessly). But the software I use within my local network to access the fileserver, NoMachine, started having problems. Basically, I could access my machine, but the NoMachine…
Taiwan – Yushan (Jade Mountain)
I’ve climbed a fair number of mountains and completed many hikes, but none has been so embroiled in bureaucratic bullshit and red tape as was Yushan (a.k.a. Jade Mountain). Typically, when I write up a description of my hikes, it’s just that – the hike. But I’m going to use this page to detail how…