Tag: sociology
On TV again – as an expert on “heaven”
I received an email from the director of PR at my university last week looking for an expert on religion to comment on a news story the local Fox affiliate was running about heaven and different conceptions of heaven. While a religious studies scholar might have been a better option, I figured I know enough…
RE: Joys of Muslim Women – more debunking
Another relative (not my uncle this time), sent me the email below, but (I think smartly) asked me if it was accurate. My response follows the email: This was written by a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim. This is not heresay, and it will scare the life out of you. Make sure you read…
new email from my uncle: Jose Legal vs. Jose Illegal
So, I got another email from my uncle (well, Debi got it and forwarded it to me). Here it is: JOSE LEGAL VS. JOSE ILLEGAL You have two families: Jose Legal and Jose Illegal. Both families have two parents, two children and live in California. Jose Legal works in construction, has a social security number…
UT highlights my research
My university did a little write up about one of the articles I published recently: It’s a nice summary of the paper and the picture isn’t half bad either.
I’ve been shot!
I was standing in line at the grocery store Friday night picking up some stuff for Toren’s birthday party. The woman checking out in front of me was chatting with the employee scanning her purchases – I think they were discussing recipes. I wasn’t really paying very close attention. I put all of my groceries…
my best publication yet!
I don’t typically mention my publications on this blog, but this is one about which I am particularly proud. I think it is a significant contribution not only to the study of Mormonism but also to theory in the Sociology of Religion as well. I’m also proud of it because of the amount of time…
Mentioned in the Guardian…
Its over 6 months since it was published, but apparently I was mentioned in a news story in the Guardian, a prominent UK newspaper. Yeah for me!
PEACE Alternative Break – day 2
Our second day in Southeastern Florida was mostly spent volunteering at Horses for the Handicapped. We did a variety of things while there, from painting to picking up rocks to grooming horses, but mostly we cleaned up horse feces. Horses defecate a lot. I was happy to help, but I’ll be happy if I never…
Hail the Conquering Hero
It’s the weekend before Christmas and I’m trying to get all of my grading done when Debi comes into the office and tells me that the clothes dryer is no longer working. It heats up, but it doesn’t turn. I was on track to have all of my grading done so I could relax a…
England Trip – Day 1
While I wasn’t particularly excited to leave for the UK on my birthday, in a sense it was kind of a nice birthday present, so I didn’t really mind. I arrived at the airport a couple hours before my flight, checked in fine, and headed to the terminal from where my US Airways flight to…