photoshoot with mom – I

I’m guessing a lot of people have been waiting for photos of Debi and Toren.  It’s taken me a good 6 weeks to convince Debi to let me do a good photoshoot with her and Toren, but I finally have some photos. We shot in two locations.  Today’s photos are from inside:

Toren with Debi 7-15-2009 2-48-55-copy

Toren with Debi 7-15-2009 3-04-18-copy

Toren with Debi 7-15-2009 3-03-23-copy

Toren with Debi 7-15-2009 2-53-55-copy

Toren with Debi 7-15-2009 3-03-8-copy

Toren with Debi 7-15-2009 3-05-49-copy

Also, here’s a fun tidbit for you:  With this photoshoot we’re closing in on 750 photos of Toren.  I digitized all of Debi’s and my photos from when we were young.  I’m not complaining or anything (Mom – I know you’ll read this eventually, so don’t take offense; I just thought this was interesting), but I didn’t have 750 photos of me until I was about 17.  Debi didn’t have that many until she was about 16.  Having a digital camera that makes shooting photos virtually free makes a huge difference.  Oh, and it helps that I have several terabytes of storage for all these photos.  Combined, I now have 23,000+ digital photos.  I wonder if I’ll ever look at them all…







One response to “photoshoot with mom – I”

  1. mom Avatar

    You are soooo right Ry.. if I had had a digital camera- you also would have had a lot of pics– but with our old equipment of buying film and paying for development and they were all black or double exposed…. it was a nightmare- it is a miracle that you have any!!!  🙂  Glad that you have so many more now.  Debi has never looked more beautiful— think I like the inside ones even more!!!

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