Ryan and Debi & Toren

Bjorn baby

Toren enjoying a little Baby Bjorn ride with Debi:

This last one warrants special note.  If you look closely at Toren you’ll notice something he’s started doing just recently – biting his bottom lip.  He does this quite regularly, pulling his bottom lip in and sucking on it.  I’m sure it’s quite normal, but it was new for us.

Also, I have another question out there for parents: The Baby Bjorn we have says it can hold a baby up to about 23 pounds.  It already seems a bit tight on Toren (he has a big belly), so I’m beginning to think about a new child carrier.  We’ll need one for a trip we are planning, but I’d also like one so we can go on some hikes.  Any suggestions on baby carriers for slightly larger babies (e.g., 1 year olds)?

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