Toren’s Birthday Party – singing Happy Birthday

We had a dozen or so friends come over for Toren’s first birthday on Saturday.  There was only one child who is close to Toren’s age.  The rest were our friends.  Here’s the invite I put together for the party via a very cool evite alternative called (strongly recommend it over

We basically just ate and chatted, but did also have a quiz for the adult guests about Toren’s first year (that included a prize).  Here’s the quiz, in case you want to try it yourself:

  1. How many photos of Toren have we taken since he was born?
    1. 200-300
    2. 800-900
    3. 1,200-1,300
    4. 1,800-1,900
    5. 2,400-2,500
  2. Who are Toren’s namesakes? (bonus if you get them both)
    1. Richard Marx
    2. Karl Marx
    3. Groucho Marx
    4. Bit Torrent
    5. Torren Emmagan, a baby from Stargate: Atlantis
    6. Toren Smith, a comic artist
  3. When did Toren start feeding himself?
    1. 4 months
    2. 6-7 months
    3. 9-10 months
    4. 11 ½ months
  4. Which of the following places has Toren visited since he was born? (may be multiple correct answers)
    1. Key West, FL
    2. Atlanta, GA
    3. Salt Lake, UT
    4. Tallahassee, FL
    5. Disney World
    6. Washington, DC
    7. Cape Canaveral, FL
    8. The Everglades
    9. Miami, FL
  5. Which blog post about Toren has received the most comments?
    1. Toren, baby model
    2. Toren as Zombie
    3. Nothing Against Plumbers
    4. I’ve been replaced 🙁
    5. Bjorn baby
    6. it’s official – Toren is a “good” baby”
    7. The Toren Saga
  6. How does toren tell us he is done eating?
    1. He makes the sign for “all done.”
    2. He throws all his food off his tray
    3. He cries
    4. He stands up in his high chair
    5. He puts food in his hair
  7. About how much have we spent on diapers in Toren’s first year?
    1. $200-$300
    2. $400-$500
    3. $600-$700
    4. $900-$1,000
    5. more than $1,000

You can put your answers in a comment and after a few people have guessed, I’ll post the correct answers.

I have some footage of the party, but it’s quite long. So, I broke it up into parts. Here is everyone singing to Toren:







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