Ryan and Debi & Toren

What is he thinking?

We took a mini-vacation on July 2 and 3 to Orlando where we landed a 4-star hotel for $70/night via Priceline.com. The hotel was the Orlando Renaissance, which is right across the street from Seaworld.  As we happen to have season passes to Seaworld (an upgrade from the passes Debi’s parents bought us when they were here in May), the hotel worked out great.

Anyway, one night at Toren’s bedtime he wanted me to lay down next to him.  Debi was already laying down next to him.  Debi promptly fell asleep.  I wasn’t tired yet, but pretended to sleep so Toren would go to sleep.  As I laid there, quietly watching my son, I realized that he wasn’t quite asleep yet.  He was laying on his back, looking up at the ceiling of our room, and he appeared to be deep in thought.  It was then that it struck me: What is he thinking?  I know my mind is all over the place as I lay in bed at night drifting off to sleep, though it typically is focused on what I have to do the next day.  But what does a 2 year-old think as he drifts off to sleep?

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