visit to California – Stanford University

During our trip to Utah we took a side trip to California to visit my sister, Wendy, her husband, Mario, and their two kids, Ethan and Xander.  Mario has a fellowship at Stanford for the next couple of years and they are living near there in Campbell, CA.  We drove through the night on August 11th from Utah to Campbell, arriving on the 12th.  They took us to see Stanford University, which I’ve always wanted to visit, on the 12th.  While there a shot a few fun videos of the kids.

If I remember correctly, this is the main library at Stanford.  Ethan started dancing and we got Toren to dance in this, too:

After their dance show, we went up in the bell tower, then stopped by this fountain where the boys could play:

The boys then ran off down one of the beautiful hallways on the Stanford campus:

We stopped for a delicious lunch at Ike’s, then visited the Rodin sculpture garden, where I shot this clip of Toren and Ethan holding hands while eating suckers:









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