visit to California – light house and artichokes

On the 13th we drove into San Francisco, crossed the Golden Gate, and stopped for lunch in Sausalito.  We then went for a nice walk to the Point Bonita lighthouse.  Toren carried his cousin’s Woody doll (from Toy Story) on his shoulders the whole way (I carried Toren most of the way, in effect carrying them both).  You can see Toren carrying Woody in this clip:

And here I am carrying Toren and Woody:

Me carrying Toren and Woody!

Toren did say something hilarious when we got to the lighthouse.  As soon as we walked up, he pulled Woody off his shoulders and said, “Woody, we’re here.”  It was very cute.

Here’s a shot from one of the bridges near the light house of my sister and her family:


Our hosts in front of the light house.

After our visit to the light house, we drove down the coast and eventually turned inland to Castroville, the artichoke capital of the US.  We got to see what one of our favorite foods looks as it grows, and artichokes were ridiculously cheap there.  We had a marvelous dinner at The Giant Artichoke restaurant, where we were spoiled with steamed, roasted, and deep fried artichoke, along with artichoke salsa, artichoke bread, and artichoke dip.  Everything on the platter was artichokes.  It was delicious.

The artichoke platter.

And an obligatory photo in front of The Giant Artichoke:


This is just to the left of the entrance of the restaurant.

Plus a bonus photo taken by my nephew, Ethan, who got a thumb or finger in the shot, too:

Peace and artichokes… It’s all the world needs!




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