This was a pretty typical day on the farm. We got up at 6:00. I read at the gazebo while some students did yoga. We ate breakfast, then went out to work on projects – the ones I mentioned in the previous post (e.g., road maintenance, planting, weeding, etc.). We’d usually work from about 8:00 until 12:00 when we’d eat lunch. After lunch, there was time scheduled for a siesta until about 2:00, which was supposed to be timed to align with a possible afternoon rain shower and the hottest part of the day. We were then supposed to work again from about 2:30 until 5:00 or 5:30. Some days we did; some days we didn’t. We didn’t realize it when we scheduled the trip, but we were there during the rainy season, so, more often than not, our afternoons were spent in the learning center either working on smaller projects (self-watering rain barrels or shelling peanuts). You might be thinking, “Aw, what’s a little rain!?!” Well, this is the kind of rain we’d get:
I’m also not one for napping, though there were a few days I took advantage of the siesta and got a catnap in. Most days I sat on the edge of the learning center overlooking the valley and read:

I don’t recall the exact activities every day, but that’s how most days went. However, the staff were very cool about the situation. We had planned on working in the afternoons, but with the rain, they decided to arrange some afternoon activities for us. I don’t think I’ll remember every activity we did on the correct day, but I’ll try to remember them.
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