If you followed the previous post closely, you probably noticed that Debi’s conference was in Anaheim but we spent the first night in San Diego. That’s because I know someone in San Diego who runs a Humanist group and she arranged to have me speak to her group about my book. That’s what I did on the 5th while Debi and Toren went to the San Diego Zoo.
I always enjoy talking about my work, and I ended up conducting an interview afterward. Debi and Toren enjoyed the zoo, though Toren spent more time running around “shooting” stuff with sticks than anything else:

After I picked them up from the zoo, we stopped at a local park and played hide and seek for a while, then headed back to our hotel and then across the street to a mall for dinner. The mall was teeming with people, as is most of California. There was a little event taking place, but it still seemed like there were simply too many people!
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