Category: sociology

  • Invitation to Commit Scientific Fraud

    Invitation to Commit Scientific Fraud

    I’m probably just naive and am definitely far too idealistic, but the email I just received crushed my spirit. I need to share it. Here’s the email with contact information removed but the website still intact so everyone can see who is doing this: Dear Professor, I’m XXXXX, a researcher at Well-online, the flagship editorial…

  • Qualitative Analysis Using LLMs on a Local Machine

    Qualitative Analysis Using LLMs on a Local Machine

    While most of my research is quantitatively oriented, I am a mixed-methods researcher and periodically use qualitative sociological methods for research projects (typically interviews). I have used a variety of software packages to analyze qualitative data over the years, from NVIVO to Taguette to an abandoned R package to just coding text in word processing…

  • ChatGPT – checking for personally identifying information

    ChatGPT – checking for personally identifying information

    I recently hired a panel survey company to conduct surveys in several countries around the world. With some of the questions, we gave participants the option to select “other” and then fill in the blank. Given the ethics approval that we have for the data, we are not allowed to retain any data that could…

  • Nexis Uni – Date Search Limited to 1 Year, No Issue Browsing, and No Obituaries

    Nexis Uni – Date Search Limited to 1 Year, No Issue Browsing, and No Obituaries

    I’m a college professor. As a result, I have access to a number of research resources that most people don’t have, including my university’s library, which subscribes to numerous databases to help me and my colleagues (and our students) with our research. I was looking for some very specific information from the Los Angeles Times…

  • Sociologist: It’s called ‘culture war’ for a reason

    On May 2nd, 2022, the Haven, Kansas city council voted to remove decals from police cars that said “In God We Trust.” They did so in a sensible effort to recognize the separation of church and state. Sixteen days later, after an intense backlash from conservative citizens in Haven, the city council reversed that decision.…

  • Examples of Religious Syncretism

    I’m always on the lookout for good examples of religious syncretism and wanted a good place to store these. Lôtān -> Leviathan In Psalm 74, verse 14, Yahweh is described as having defeated a sea monster called Leviathan. This sea creature, its name, and its mythology derive from a Ugaritic sea monster named Lôtān, who…

  • Greece Trip – Metochi

    Thanks to my work on nonreligion and atheism, I was invited to participate in a week-long colloquium (May 13th through May 20th) in Greece by LeRon Shults in which I would serve as a “subject matter expert” helping LeRon and his team develop computer models to better predict who joins atheist organizations. You can learn more…

  • an interesting conception of love

    During my spring break I went to the Cherokee Nation to volunteer with students.  During that trip we had several people come talk to us about Cherokee culture.  One of those speakers said something that stuck with me.  He explained that there is no word in Cherokee that translates into the word “love.”  He said…

  • jury duty and bias

    I wrote this while waiting to serve on a jury selection panel: I’m sitting in the courthouse just outside a courtroom waiting to be part of a jury panel to determine whether I will be selected to serve on an actual jury. As I sit here, litigants walk back and forth and in and out…