Ryan and Debi & Toren

Workers of the World Unite! (on Sunday… in Church?)

I’m adding this sentence from a paper to my list of memorable student quotes,

The religious affiliations of the United States as a whole are that 77% of people are Christian (which includes Catholics, Baptists, Protestants, Methodists, Lutherans, Christians, Proletarians, Episcopalians, Mormons, and others), 1% are Jewish, 1% are Muslim, 1% are Buddhist, less than 1% are Hindu, 1% have other affiliations, 14% have no religious affiliation, and 5% refuse to disclose their affiliation.

I highlighted the mix-up for those who aren’t reading it closely enough to catch it. I’m sure Marx would roll over in his grade if “proletarians” were considered a religion, but, then again, maybe Proletarians would bring a much-needed focus on social stratification to religious practice.  The creed of the proletarian,

There is no god, but our masters, the bourgeoisie, are demon spawn from hell. 

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