Ryan and Debi & Toren

read this, please!

An article on health care that everyone should read – Sick and Wrong.

FYI, I’m no longer for health care reform.  If it isn’t a single-payer system, it won’t do any of us any good.  I figure I should come out on this now, so there’s evidence.  When I tell people I was adamantly opposed to the invasion of Iraq because I was unconvinced about the WMDs, most people say that it’s easy to take that position now, in light of the evidnece.  Well, I didn’t take it after the fact; I took it before the fact.  So, I’m doing the same thing – if Obama and the other spineless Democrats in D.C. water health care reform down into another handout to the insurance companies, I want no part in it.  I’ll just have to start voting for a completely different party.  Give me universal healthcare or give me a new party!  Oh, and I am an independent, I just tend to be convinced by the spineless Democrats that they actually share my interests.  Pshaw – they’re sellouts to big money too!

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