Yep, Debi and I did it! We kept Toren alive for a whole year! Hooray for us! Here’s a picture for you to enjoy:

He has his 1 year checkup Thursday, so I’ll have stats on height/weight then. I’m also compiling some statistics. Here’s a sampler:
- Total posts on the blog about Toren since he was born: 267
- Total spent on baby supplies and daycare since he was born (excludes his food, which is now just part of the food budget around here): $6,628
- That’s half a year of daycare. Supposedly it gets cheaper as he gets older, but I’m guessing other expenses increase. If his cost were to stay constant or if total expenses for Toren averaged to this amount, he’d cost $119,304 by the time he is 18. So, I’m guessing we’ve been skimping on him! 😉
- Total teeth: 6 (maybe 7)
- Total haircuts: 1/2 (Debi snipped a little bit off the back as he was starting to look like he had a hip 1980s mullet)
- Total words: 2 1/2 – “dada,” “mama,” and “nana” – We’re still not sure what “nana” means, but we lean towards milk.
We’re throwing a small party for friends this Saturday. Hopefully I’ll have some pics from that come Saturday.
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