Category: general news

  • Morgans et al in Florida – Day 1

    All of Debi’s family came to Florida for a week long vacation in late May and early June.  We started the trip in Orlando and ended in St. Petersburg.  Here’s a rundown of our activities day by day. The family was all scheduled to arrived in the evening on the 25th of May.  Debi, Toren,…

  • dinosaurs at the zoo

    The local zoo had a dinosaur exhibit recently.  We took Toren a couple of times, but he didn’t really seem to like it (despite liking Dinosaur Train); he was scared.  Here’s a picture of him by one of the dinosaurs: I, of course, had to get a picture of me taunting a dinosaur, since I’m…

  • Easter

    We spent most of Easter at the house of some friends where we had a delicious brunch and then went swimming (Toren’s favorite part, of course).  Our friends took a few pictures. Here I am getting Toren dressed after swimming: And here’s Toren kissing their dog, Chloe:

  • ticket!!!

    I got a fracking ticket!  It actually happened on December 21st on my way to do volunteer consulting work for the Tampa Child Abuse Council.  According to the officer, I was doing 50 mph in a 35 mph zone (I was coming down a bridge on North Boulevard over the Hillsborough River and he was…

  • Ski show in November?

    What did you do over Thanksgiving weekend? I’m guessing there is no one else who reads this blog who did what Toren and I did (Debi included). We went to a water skiing show! Yep, it was a bit chilly (in the mid 60s), but still plenty warm for water skiing in Tampa. I’ve always…

  • Another reason to like Florida

    I walked out of my building yesterday on my way to my car to go home and saw this: I walk past this almost everyday, but rarely notice it.  The sun setting on Plant Hall struck me as very beautiful.  Oh, and it was 85 degrees yesterday.  Sucks to be me, right?!?   😉

  • Welcome to Florida – where contract killing is legal?

    I saw this sign on my way in to work the other day: I hope it’s a joke, but it is Florida.  And that means… Well, anything goes.

  • neighborhood activity

    Our neighborhood has seen a little activity of late.  Unfortunately, the father of one of our good friends/neighbors, Mike Leon, passed away last week.  Mike had lived with them for most of the past year and a half or so, so we knew him.  It was sudden, even though Mike was 85.  We attended the…

  • Toren on the beach

    In early October we attended the wedding of one of my colleagues.  It was on the beach in St. Petersburg. Toren + beach = playing in the sand Toren also got to run around during the reception, but he wasn’t particularly disruptive, despite running all over the hotel. We spent the night in the hotel…

  • nice story about my brother Mark

    I was chatting with my Mom over IM the other day when she told me a story about my brother Mark (well, sort of).  A little background is required.  After the funeral and the internment ceremony, there was a reception at my parents church (which is right next to the cemetery).  At the reception there…