Category: opinions

  • Disingenuous Christian Proselytizing

    I get a lot of emails. I try to answer all of my emails but am increasingly realizing that some of it may not be worthy of a response. For instance, a few days ago I received an email from someone claiming to have listened to a podcast I did. Here’s what he wrote: Hi…

  • National Youth Leadership Forum (Envision Experience and Envision EMI) – Pricey Summer Camps of Questionable Quality?

    My son was “nominated” by his 3rd-grade science teacher for what both the teacher and we thought might be a nice opportunity – a week-long summer camp that focused on STEM (Science, Technology, Engineering, and Math). The camp is put on by the “National Youth Leadership Forum” (or NYLF) and was called “Pathways to Stem.”…

  • I hate pets!

    You know why I hate pets?!?  Because the “owners” of said pets are so often negligent of the animals. Why am I suddenly ranting about pets?  Yesterday a cat climbed up on the window sill of our neighbor’s front window just as a torrential rainfall hit and began having kittens.   Yep, kittens, on a…

  • ticket!!!

    I got a fracking ticket!  It actually happened on December 21st on my way to do volunteer consulting work for the Tampa Child Abuse Council.  According to the officer, I was doing 50 mph in a 35 mph zone (I was coming down a bridge on North Boulevard over the Hillsborough River and he was…

  • RE: Joys of Muslim Women – more debunking

    Another relative (not my uncle this time), sent me the email below, but (I think smartly) asked me if it was accurate.  My response follows the email: This was written by a woman born in Egypt as a Muslim. This is not heresay, and it will scare the life out of you. Make sure you read…

  • compensating

    I saw this driving around town and snapped a picture.  Why would someone put something like that on their vehicle?  What are they trying to say?

  • Ryan on the radio

    Thanks to my appearances on the local media recently about the pill mills, I was invited to be a guest on a local radio show: Prescription Addiction Radio.  I was on for about 20 minutes last Sunday.  I just checked the website to see if the show is available for people to listen to, but…

  • news interviews

    Here are the other two interviews I did that landed me on local TV. The first is from the day of the raid – May 20th.  I happened to have students coming over for dinner that night (from a small May class I taught).  A reporter from Fox 13 stopped by before my students did…

  • Back in the News

    Over the last few weeks I’ve been talking with Leonora LaPeter Anton at the St. Petersburg Times about the pill mill/pain management center that was behind my house.  Her story hit the paper today: Pill mill’s demise brings relief to neighbors.  Here’s the picture from that story: Apparently my picture is in the print edition…

  • Boo-yah!

    So, my regular readers may have forgotten, but I posted about the pain management clinic behind my house, along with the pharmacy, a few months ago.  Yesterday they were raided by the DEA and Tampa Police.  This has been all over the news the last day or so and is front page news everywhere here…