Category: opinions

  • ever lived in a condo? (and other sundries)

    I’ve been wanting to write this for a while but am just now getting around to it. When we moved to Cincinnati we bought a very modest condo in a working class condominium complex. We liked the area and even though we didn’t know most of our neighbors, we were mostly content. At least, that…

  • Bank of America – Satan’s bank

    When I moved to Florida in June I knew that I was going to need a new bank for my local banking as our bank in Cincinnati was a local credit union. I didn’t think banks were that different as I’d never had a bad experience with one. So, I chose our new bank based…

  • the new trend in organic food stores – DNA testing

    In a new twist, a post by budding skeptic, Debi: Ryan kept insisting that the little store around the corner from our house (it’s called “Nutrition Works” and is owned by Raj Patel) had a flashing sign saying DNA Testing. Being curious I finally told him I had to go check it out. The store…

  • my latest annoyance – deceptive move-in mailings

    We bought a house; we’re happy. Start the deceptive junk mail. Mortgage insurance providers are pretty smooth. They must have sent the first mailing within about 2 days of me closing on the home. It was, in fact, the first piece of mail I got. Deceptively, it looked as though it was from my mortgage…

  • fuel additives

    A family member recently sent me an email encouraging me to try a new fuel additive that claims to boost fuel economy. Because I care about this relative and care about the truth, I spent a few minutes checking out the claims of this company to see if it is really worth my time. Here’s…

  • Ionithermie

    (Note: I wrote this post originally as a response to a pamphlet I was handed while visiting the spa on a cruise ship [I was there on a tour of the ship, not because I was paying for a service.]. I was so appalled by the claims that I decided I had to write up…

  • Laurence Britt’s 14 points of fascism

    (Note: I originally posted this on my blog in October 2004. Over 27 people commented on it, including Laurence Britt. It is one of the more popular blog posts I’ve made over the years. In the interest of keeping my site cleaned up, I’m converting this post, along with all of the comments, into a…