Category: opinions
What we’ve learned having a child – v1
Debi and I have a background that provided us with a lot of information about pregnancy and childbirth, so we thought we were at least somewhat knowledgeable about having children (yeah, not really). I teach a class on the Sociology of Human Sexuality (using this text: Understanding Human Sexuality), so I knew the basic outlines…
What would life be like if alternative medicine ran the hospitals?
(Props to Mike N. for sending this!)
breathing earth
A student found this site and showed it to me the other day: Spend a few minutes perusing it. Disturbing.
letter to the editor of the St. Petersburg Times
I caught this story a couple of days ago about a wealthy chiropractor trying to change Florida legislation on childhood vaccines. I was so annoyed by it that I wrote a letter to the editor of the St. Petersburg Times. They called yesterday to let me know they were going to publish it. Found it…
Today’s Sunday School lesson is on “open-mindedness”
scientific illiteracy
I’ve had this post sitting around for a while as a draft and finally have a few minutes to develop it into a full post. So, here goes… Periodically you hear about how scientifically illiterate Americans are. A recent Harris Poll found the following: Only 53% of adults know how long it takes for the…
insurance discounts
Not sure if anyone will be interested in this, but I occasionally talk about this issue in my classes and finally found a document to illustrate my point. Our health care system in the US makes little to no sense, in large part due to health insurance companies. From what I understand, health insurance companies…
good soup, but oh so much…
A friend gave us a gift card to Carrabba’s Italian Grill a little while back. We used it on November 10th (it took me almost a month to remember to get the picture off my phone). We had never been to Carrabba’s, so we were excited to try it out. But, we’re also cheap. So,…
It was just a matter of time…
…before a Wal-Mart Employee was trampled to death in the mad rush of consumerism on Black Friday. When shopping deals are based on a first-come, first-served basis, you can only expect people to trample each other. The structure of the situation facilitates misbehavior. It could be solved with a lottery system. This doesn’t absolve the…
ever lived in a condo? (and other sundries)
I’ve been wanting to write this for a while but am just now getting around to it. When we moved to Cincinnati we bought a very modest condo in a working class condominium complex. We liked the area and even though we didn’t know most of our neighbors, we were mostly content. At least, that…