Travel, Tech, Thoughts…
Well, it’s finally official – I graduated. I now have a PhD in Sociology from the University of Cincinnati. With a little urging from my adviser, I decided to participate in the hooding ceremony and I’m glad I did. It wasn’t particularly amazing, but it was a nice, ceremonial way to illustrate that one era…
Scott and Shalynn had their baby – Anderson Scott Morgan
I’m a bit behind posting on here – I’ve been busy with our move (more on that soon). Anyway, one of Debi’s younger brothers and his wife just had a baby – Anderson Scott Morgan. He was born June 15 at 1:16pm; 7lbs. 13oz.; 20 1/4 inches long. Here are a few pics:
articles on poverty and class in NYTimes Magazine
The New York Times Magazine is running a number of article on poverty and class in America. I highly recommend taking the thirty minutes or so it will take to read through some of these articles. They do a great job highlighting issues of class that increasingly present themselves in U.S. society, especially as the…
Taste of Cincinnati
So, things are winding down for us here in Cincinnati. I’m probably headed to Tampa, mid-June, to take occupancy of the home we are buying down there. Debi will be following me shortly thereafter. After 6 years in Cincinnati we’ve been thinking of things we’ve wanted to do but haven’t done and have been trying…
here’s something fun…
In preparation for my class on sex work tomorrow (it’s a class on human sexuality) I did a little sniffing around to see what I could find on prostitution in Cincinnati. One of the first thoughts that came to mind was to see if the Cincinnati Police had any statistics on their website regarding prostitution.…
news and a funny quote
I successfully defended my dissertation yesterday! Hooray! A few minor revisions and I can finally turn my attention to getting chapters from it published. With all the preparation the defense required, I basically haven’t been doing much else – including blogging. But life has continued… I’m grading mid-terms from the three classes I’m teaching this…
fuel additives
A family member recently sent me an email encouraging me to try a new fuel additive that claims to boost fuel economy. Because I care about this relative and care about the truth, I spent a few minutes checking out the claims of this company to see if it is really worth my time. Here’s…
Iraq and life update
I got my dissertation defense date – May 4. It’s a little nerve-wracking, but it will be good to have it done. It’s kept me pretty busy lately. I also need to recommend a new local restaurant to my fellow Cincinnatians – Mama’s Hot Pot (8372 Reading Road). It opened up about a month ago…
new links
I added a couple of new links in the sidebar. The first is to a list of the places we’ve visited using Google Maps. My paternal grandparents had a map with pins in it marking all of the places they visited over the years. I liked the idea and figured out take a 21st Century…
Tampa trip
We’ve been back from Tampa/Nashville for almost two weeks now, but I’ve been swamped with other things and am just now getting to writing up a trip report. Here’s the rundown: March 14th drove to Tampa It’s a 14 to 16 hour drive. We drove straight through, listening to a few books on mp3 (see…